La alumna de Grado Superior Laura Laparra Diaz, recién graduada en C.F.G.S de Diseño y Edición de Publicaciones y Multimedia, nos cuenta su experiencia en una movilidad Erasmus+ con periodo de prácticas durante 10 semanas en una empresa en el noroeste de Irlanda.
Esta movilidad ha sido cofinanciada por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
Embarking on the journey of participating in the Erasmus+ program my decision was driven by the desire for both cultural enrichment. The opportunity to fully immerse myself in a work environment and embrace a way of life was simply irresistible. I was hoping to expand my experience by learning from local professionals and immersing myself in a fresh cultural setting. I believed this encounter would not only elevate my skills as a designer but also widen my point of view, enabling me to tackle design challenges with new and innovative approaches. Additionally, I anticipated it would contribute to my personal growth, bringing up greater responsibility and maturity in handling unfamiliar situations.
Procedures and Preparations:
Navigating through the application process and procedures required management. First, selecting different options due to possible countries was not easy, but the English Department proposed Ireland as the perfect country to make this experience come true, something I was right with. I made a cover letter and filled the necessary documents to
proceed with the selection and I obtained the grant. Other documents that were compulsory to accomplish the mobility were health insurance, documents related to
personal information and bus and flight tickets.
Selection of Company and Accommodation:
Finding the company for my internship and the accommodation was an aspect. But, fortunately, there was a person that helped us find those solutions. Feargal proposed
we change the place of living from Donegal Co. to the city of Derry because he knew people who I could work with and it would have been easier to find affordable
accommodation. After researching these aspects I discovered that they aligned seamlessly with my goals, so that’s why I ended up in On The Dot Design, a
Letterkenny based printing and designing company.
Internship Development:
Once I arrived in the host country the work environment presented challenges. From day one I actively engaged in activities that broadened my skills and deepened my
understanding of the industry. Interacting with local workers provided perspectives. The tasks I performed were quite manageable because of the previous learnings I brought from Spain, but the fact that the instructions and designs were in English made it a very interesting challenge. The hands-on experiences have been highly transformative for both my language skills and the operation of machinery I hadn’t used before. They have provided me with valuable international work experience that will likely benefit my future, and I’ve observed a significant improvement in my English proficiency—both in terms of speaking fluency and gaining confidence to express myself in another language.
Experiencing Life in a Different Country:
Exploring life in a country proved to be truly eye opening. Adapting to work culture and embracing their lifestyle greatly enriched my understanding of cultures. Being open
minded and adaptable became skills during this journey. I’m not going to lie, it’s normal to miss your native country in some point of your journey, but that’s something that can
make you realise that you’re doing something brave and extraordinary, moving far away from your home to become more independent and to try to solve problems with words
that they are not from first language.
Conclusions and Future Perspectives:
To sum it up, my involvement in the Erasmus+ program has been more than a career oriented opportunity. It has also been a voyage that has expanded my perspective. The
knowledge, relationships built during this experience are invaluable for my professional endeavours. One of the most difficult things about it was making friends due to how small this city is, but eventually I find out people are as worthy as the whole experience that makes it ever more valued.
Enclosed you’ll discover photographs that capture instances of my Erasmus+ journey ranging from the work atmosphere to discovering the host nation.